Do the AstroBin subscriptions renew automatically?

  • Subscriptions purchased via PayPal between 2016 and 2019 renew automatically

  • Subscriptions purchased via PayPal in 2020 do not renew automatically

  • Subscriptions purchased via Stripe (credit card, SEPA, AliPay, etc) purchased between January 2021 and May 2023 do not renew automatically

  • Subscriptions purchased via Stripe (credit card, SEPA, AliPay, etc) purchased from June 2023 renew automatically, unless you are a user who purchased a non-automatically renewing subscription in the previous two years, in which case you may select your preference

You will receive email reminders to buy another yearly subscription 30 days and 7 days before expiration. When a subscription expires, nothing happens to your existing content and data, and your account is reverted to Free so you probably won't be able to upload more images until you renew.


Why should you choose FREE?

If you're not an active astrophotographer and want to just partake the social aspects of AstroBin, such as the forums, commenting images, liking and bookmarking, sending private messages, and so on, then FREE should be enough for you.

Some features will be restricted, such as image revisions, participation in contest and creating groups, astrometry and plate-solving tools, and performing searches with advanced parameters.

Members on FREE accounts will be shown astronomy relevant ads from our partners.

If you are an active astrophotographer, FREE should be used as a trial to evaluate whether or not you would like to purchase a paid subscription. You cannot keep your latest or best 10 images on FREE, because the limit is on 10 uploads, not 10 images.


Why should you choose LITE?

If you have a limited amount of images that you want to upload, a LITE subscription might be for you.

AstroBin Lite, additionally, gives you access to selling equipment on the AstroBin Marketplace.

However, you will be shown astronomy relevant ads from our partners


Why should you choose PREMIUM?

PREMIUM has plenty of room for most astrophotographers and allows full access to most features.

You will have the option to opt-out from astronomy relevant ads, but other members and visitors of your pages will still view ads according to their subscription or lack thereof.

You will miss out on the advanced plate-solving, unlimited image revisions, and some search filters offered by the next subscription tier.


Why should you choose ULTIMATE?

ULTIMATE is the most commonly purchased subscription. As the name suggests, this is the highest subscription level ever. We're not going to come up with something ridiculous like ULTIMATE PRO PLUS XP, we promise. Everything new that is coming to AstroBin in the future, is guaranteed to be available to ULTIMATE members, while lower tiers might or might not get it depending on the feature.

On an ULTIMATE subscription, your images will enjoy advanced plate-solving powered by PixInsight, which accesses a vaster catalog than the basic plate-solving, and recognizes planets and asteroids too! Additionally, you will be able to customize the look and parameters of the annotations.

A big advantage of this plan is that, whether or not you choose to allow astronomy relevant ads to be served to you, visitors of your pages will never see an ad. It doesn't matter what their subscription is, or if they even have an account on AstroBin in the first place.


AstroBin is a one-man-company and your financial support is very important in keeping the show running. Thank you in advance whichever subscription you choose!