Advanced search

Whatever you want to find on AstroBin's rich catalog of over 900,000 images, you can do it with its powerful search engine.

AstroBin has amassed a large amount of data since it was launched in 2011, and its database comprises over 900,000 astrophotographs. The Elasticsearch engine is powering the indexing and searching of this data.

Visitors and members on the Free subscription

Visitors and members on the Free subscription are able to find any image using any number of free-text query keywords. The keywords are joined using the AND logical operator, so if you search for “M31 Meade” you will find all images that mention both words anywhere in the searchable fields.

Lite and Premium

Members on the Lite and Premium subscriptions can specify an additional number of specific filters:

  • Acquisition type (Traditional, EEA, Lucky imaging, Drawing/Sketch)

  • Animated (search only GIFs)

  • Videos (search only videos)

  • Award (search only Top Picks / Image of the Day winners)

  • Camera name

  • Camera type (CCD, DSLR, Guider / Planetary, Film, Compact, Video)

  • Constellation

  • Country

  • License

  • Moon phase

  • Publication date range

  • Acquisition date range

  • Subject name

  • Subject type (Deep sky, Solar system body or event, Widefield, Star trails, Northern lights, Gear)

  • Telescope name

  • Telescope type (all supported reflectors, refractors, catadioptrics, camera lenses, binoculars)


Members on the Ultimate subscriptions get access to even more filters, plus the guarantee of having access to all future additions to the list:

  • Celestial coordinates (RA/dec ranges). This, in combination with the Field radius filter below, enables searching for images in the same area as another.

  • Data source (backyard, traveler, own remote observatory, amateur hosting facility, public amateur data, professional data)

  • Field radius (min and max in degrees)

  • Minimum data (only search images with certain data provided, e.g. telescope, camera, acquisition details, astrometry information available)

  • Pixel scale (min and max in arcsec/pixel)

  • Integration time (min and max in fractions of hours)

  • Remote source (choose from a list of 25 remote hosting facilities, and counting)

  • Range of camera pixel size in microns

  • Range of telescope diameter in millimeters

  • Range of telescope or lens focal length in millimeters

  • Range of telescope or lens weight in kilograms

  • Range of mount weight in kilograms

  • Range of mount payload in kilograms

  • Modified/unmodified status of camera

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Dedication to data

