February 2022 update

🌠 New slideshow viewer

You can now navigate imags in galleries, search pages, and groups more quickly and intuitively. When you click on the Play ▶ button that's visible when you mouse-hover a thumbnail, you get a window with the image in larger size, and can navigate between all images visible on the page with the left/right arrow keys, the buttons at the top, or a swipe gesture.

You can also mouse-hover for the plate-solution annotations, if present, and click to zoom.

If you want to access the actual image page (e.g. if you want to see technical card, description, comments...), you can do it by clicking on the Link 🔗 button at the top-left corner.

You can also set images to go on a slideshow with the Play ▶ button, and even go fullscreen!



🔎 Larger images shown by default on the "Large view page"

The large view page of images, available when you click on an image on its main page, now shows larger images, for better compatibility with large displays.

The size went from HD to QHD.



☀️ New field for solar system acquisition: "Exposure per frame (ms)"

From now on, if you're editing the acquisition details of a solar system image, in addition to the "Number of frames" and "FPS", you can input the exposure time (in milliseconds) of each frame. Thank you for the request, Stuart!



🔭 Improvements to the equipment database

The initial database curated by a few volunteers is ready to be imported, and I will begin that process in March, together with implementing the final features needed for the community to maintain this new database in a clean fashion.


March 2022 update


January 2022 update