August 2021 update


👨⚖ Comment moderation and abuse reporting

When your image gets a comment by someone who is new on AstroBin, you will be notified about moderating the comment. You will have the chance to Approve or Reject it.

Additionally, all comments now have a "report abuse" button, that lets you report comments that shouldn't be on AstroBin (e.g. spam, hate-speech, etc).

There is very minimal spam on AstroBin (you never see it becasue content from new users gets moderated before it's made publicly), but this feature takes some administrative burden off my shoulders, which means more time spent working on features and improvements! 😄



🔭 Work in progress on the new equipment database

Work on the new equipment database and module, which is going to be the highlight of 2021, is ongoing.

During August I was on vacation for three weeks, which meant I did very little work on this. The hour or two I spent working daily while on vacation was dedicated to user support and small bugs

Nonetheless, I made a little progress and I'm now working on the review step of the migration process.

If everything works well, I expect the migration to begin by the end of this month!

Just to manage expectations correctly, please know that it will take several months until we see this fruit to the final awesome vision, and at some point I will ask for help from volunteers to assist in building the new data.



🛒 NFTs of the Messier catalog (sold out!)

AstroBin has collaborated with InnerSpace to create a list of 110 NFTs from objects in the Messier catalog. Objects have been selected from AstroBin's images and the authors have been asked for permission.

The catalog sold out, which is great news! We might try something similar again in the future, as this was quite successful.


September 2021 update


July 2021 update